The drop dead simple secret to creating seductive content that leaves your readers begging for more

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seductive content

The internet is littered with boring content

Business content is boring!  News content is boring!

Marketers are busy creating content that tells the readers how they ‘need’ to buy their product or service.

No wonder only 30% of b2b marketers said their organization is effective at content marketing.


seductive content


For content marketing to be effective, you need to create seductive content that will erode all objections from your readers.

You know what?

Seduction is fun!

It makes you feel special and loved.

It takes your audience from their low state to an emotional state where all they need is your product or service.

Seductive content makes them beg for more and most importantly do business with you.

So, how do you create such content?

Follow the three stages below:

1.       Use catchy hook and lines

Hook and line as described by are “… gear where the fish is attracted by a natural or artificial bait (lures) placed on a hook fixed to the end of a line or snood, on which they get caught. “

In order words, hook and lines are used to catch fishes.

seductive content


Do you remember those pick-up lines they taught you while you were trying to date that girl?.  Some of them are:

Life without you is like a broken pencil: pointless.

You’re so pretty I forgot what I was going to say

I fall in love with you every time I look into your beautiful eyes.

Are you Google? Cause you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for?


And when the girl hears this, she goes…


You get it!

Do you notice a trend in the pick-up lines above?

They are all written for the girl, nothing about the boy in question.

Your hook lines i.e. Your headline should not be about your product, but about how the product makes your audience feel.

Let’s look at an example here…

Jon Morrow of Smart blogger wrote a guest post on some years back. The title was “How to quit your job, move to paradise and get paid to change the world”. He captured the dream of every blogger in the headline.


seductive content


Because it resonated with the audience, the post was shared several times and it received 496 comments.

Now that you’ve caught their attention, what comes next?


2.        Flow into the story

This is where storytelling comes in.  How many of you have ever used this technique to win a woman’s heart?

It is time to tell a story that will evoke emotions and feelings.

Here, go straight to the point and keep it short.

You can start by empathizing with the audience. Let them know the problem they have. Provide a list of solutions they can follow to solve it.  Then…

3.      Subtly embed your product or service information

In the law of attraction, embedding information means telling your girl positive information about yourself. You do it subtly, so the girl will know how great, big or influential you are.

Here, you are going to tell your audience about your product or service.  The word here is “subtly”.

The thing here is to portray a positive image about your product or service but you will not say it directly because you can turn your audience off.

This includes bringing out the benefit of your product or service and providing an example of how your solution can solve their problem better.

For example, check out how Neil Patel subtly promoted his company Crazyegg in this post: 15 quick tips to convert visitors into Email subscribers.

seductive content

4.     End with amazing conclusion

For your seductive content to be complete, you need to end the content on a high point. You have to add a good call to action to either check out your services, signup for your newsletter or download more information in exchange for their email address.

Check out this example from the Content Marketing Institute blog.


seductive content


Writing a seductive content is essential to conversion. You need to create a click-worthy headline, a story filled introduction and body and a powerful conclusion.

Your audience does not want you to tell them how much they need you, your product or service, they simply want you to help them solve their problem.  In so doing you can seduce them along the line to do business with you.

What are you waiting for? It is time to start creating seductive content.




Hephzibah Asaolu

I am Hephzy Asaolu (aka Ladywriter), a professional Freelance content writer and blogger.

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