Business blogging goals: How to use blogging to achieve business goals

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business blogging goals

Are you finding it difficult to achieve your business goals?

Are you investing heavily in marketing strategies that are not making it possible to achieve your business goals?

You have to stop:

Then try blogging?

Business blogging is an inexpensive marketing strategy you can employ to help you achieve your business goals.

In the survey carried out by content marketing institute and Marketingprofs, it was revealed that organization goals for content marketing include: Lead generation, sales, lead nurturing, brand awareness, engagement, customer retention/loyalty, customer evangelism, and upsell/cross-sell as shown in the pic below:

business blogging goals

Blogging can help you achieve four specific business blogging goals mentioned below:

Lead Generation

Blogging is the main strategy B2B and B2c marketers use to generate leads. According to WebDAM’s research, b2b marketers who use blogging generates 67% more leads than marketers who do not.

Marcus Sheridan (the pool guy) struggled to generate leads and clients to his pool business. But eventually, he learned how to write blog posts that generated over $2,000,000 in sales.

Creating case studies and white papers on your blog is one of the best ways to generate business leads.  Content marketing institute report of 2016, showed that case study is one of the most effective content marketing tactic used by b2b marketers.

business blogging goals

If you need to persuade your visitors to patronize you, write more case studies.

B2b marketers also rated white papers 71% as been one of the most effective tactics in the year 2016. (shown above). It is very effective in persuading customers to purchase your product or service.

It helps in building interest and preference for your product. You can use it to attract, engage and inform your audience.

Sales generation

A lot of business owners are still struggling to search for ways to generate more sales from their websites. Blogging is a great strategy your business can employ to generate enormous sales. It will interest you to know that blog that generates sales not only makes prospects

It will interest you to know that blog that generates sales not only encourages prospects to engage, but also to respond.

It continually makes customers engage and respond to the content by asking for more tips, shortcuts, advice, how-to etc. Your potential customers have nagging problems they want to quickly get rid of. They crave for content that tells them of a better way to do things and they want to instantly start doing it that way, giving you a lead and sales.

Kissmetrics is one of the numerous companies using a blog to generate sales. When they started creating exceptionally good content for their audience, people were attracted to the business and they started patronizing them, helping the company to generate massive sales.

As at 2014, the leads generated by the blog alone sometimes amount to six figures. The key to generating massive sales from your blog is to focus on creating useful content that answers your prospects’ questions.

Brand recognition

It is the goal of every business owner to have increased brand visibility online.  When your brand becomes popular, you attract more customers and increase your sales leads. One way to increase your brand visibility online is through blogging.

Blogging can help you generate a buzz for your business. It showcases your products and services and thus, helping potential customers to understand what your business is all about.

Blogging gives you the opportunity to put a voice behind your logo, trademark, and website. You can teach people how to use your products and services on your blog.

This will help your audience to connect with you on a deeper level. However, for this to happen, you have to be committed to creating exceptional content that will engage and inform your customers.

Customer Engagement and retention

Creating a relationship with your customer before and after business transactions is very crucial to your success. A blog is a great platform that encourages engagement and retention of both new and old customers.

Creating contents that educate your customers is invaluable. For example, take a look at WD-40, a global marketing organization.

business blogging goals

They have different types of content on their blog to educate prospective customers, such as frequently asked questions, videos demonstrating their products etc.

Other types of content that help in creating customer engagement and retention is customer stories and reviews. They go a long way to encourage other potential buyers to try out your product or service.

Above are the four major business blogging goals you can use your blog to achieve.

What other goals have you achieved with blogging?  Share them in the comment section below.

Hephzibah Asaolu

I am Hephzy Asaolu (aka Ladywriter), a professional Freelance content writer and blogger.

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