Do you need a cheap quality blog content writer for your business blog?
“You get what you pay for”
One day, I went to the market to purchase some household items. I saw a store selling lots of eye-catching and attractive footwear. I entered the store and check for my shoe size. A particular fine and attractive shoe caught my attention. I quickly tried it on and I loved it. The sweetest part of it is that it was cheap for the quality I saw. I made the payment, and I left.
Few months down the line, the footwear wore out. Then, the ropes attached to it cut one by one and that was the end.
I bought the shoe intending to use it for at least a year or two. But alas, all the shining materials faded out and I was left with a sham of a shoe.
The proverb “You get what you pay for” is true in my case.
The truth is, “cheap” in most cases means low quality. This may not be the best option for you if you want to keep getting a good ROI from your content for a long time.
Do you still want a cheap quality blog content writer for your business blog?
Ok, let’s get started.
There are four ways you can get a cheap quality blog content writer for your business.
4 Ways to Get a Cheap Quality Blog Content Writer
1. Partner with bloggers
If you are tight on budget and don’t have enough for a quality blog content writer, you could partner with bloggers. This model is actually suitable for new Saas startups. Ask the writers to write for your blog for a free subscription to your service. It could be one article per month for a free service. This model can also work for other businesses that sell quality products or services that could serve as an exchange for content.
A good example of a business that used this model well is SocialQuant. They partnered with bloggers when they were just starting up to get content for their blog and it worked.
Ensure that the blogger you want to use write thoughtful and engaging content. Tools you can use to find the right bloggers for your business are Klout,, Social Crawlytics, Alltop, etc.
2. Use guest bloggers
The second way you could get cheap quality blog content writer for your business blog is to use guest bloggers. It will amaze you to know that a lot of bloggers are looking for exposure for their writing business. Why not put up an ad on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter asking for guest bloggers to come and contribute to your blog? Do this continuously and you will get free content for your blog.
Find an example from @Digitalmarketing below.
They offer 1 do-follow link for free for guest bloggers.
3. Use content mills
Content mills are websites where you can get cheap blog content writers for your blog. They are usually filled with new writers trying to make some money from writing. They are open to cheap prices. The downside of this is that 90% of the time, you may not get quality content that will represent your brand. You may have to rewrite to make it useful for your audience.
Examples of content mills are Fiverr,, Upwork, etc.
4. Facebook groups
The fourth place you can get a cheap quality blog content writer for your business blog is on Facebook groups. There are lots of writer groups on Facebook you can explore. This includes:
Instead of searching for a cheap quality blog content writer, look for a writer that can give you the best bang for your buck.
A writer that will create an engaging, thought-provoking, fun, inspirational, easy to digest and well-structured content for your blog.
It is time to invest in quality content for your business blog.
Think of the long-term benefits of the content instead of trying to save every penny right now.
Few months down the road you will thank yourself for hiring a quality writer at a reasonable rate.
Don’t pay peanuts to get monkeys.