Freelance Content Writer for Hire

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 A Seasoned Freelance Content writer who creates content that brings the ‘OMG! Where is the buy button?’ oomph to your business.

Imagine if you could create content that will help drive targeted traffic, nurture them into leads and transform them into paying customers for your business. It would help you convert more visitors into customers and skyrocket your sales.

But alas, your dream is quickly dashed when you realize that the content on your website is rewritten or rephrased and thus it is not attracting the right kind of traffic nor boosting your sales. You cringe every time you remember how you wasted your hard-earned money on hiring a freelance content writer who created low-quality content that couldn’t engage your audience nor increase your customer base.

I marveled at how most business owners think every freelance content writer can create quality content. It takes a lot to create high-quality content that will engage your audience and cause them to take desired actions.

After 10 years of creating high quality, engaging and search engine optimized articles for clients, I’m one of the most referred freelance content writer in the industry. Unlike other writers, I create content that compels the audience to keep reading, engage and take actions thereafter. Every piece of my content accomplishes the desired goal and keep doing so for years to come.

My mission is to help you create content that the audience will fall in love with. Once that happens, they will engage with and take actions. Thus, increasing your ROI.

I am a graduate of HubSpot Inbound methodology.

A current student of Content Marketing Course at HubSpot and a graduate of Jon Morrow’s Guest Blogging course.

I specialize in:

  • Blog posts
  • Website content
  • Guest posts
  • White Paper
  • E-book
  • Slide presentations, etc.

Hire me as your freelance content writer to produce high converting content for your business.

I have written for popular websites like Incomediary, duct tape marketing, women on business and business2community.

Below are samples of my top performing content

  •  This post ranks on the first page of Google for the focus keyword “produce engaging content”.
  •  This post ranks on the first page of Google for the focus keyword “content that generates engagement”. 
  •  This post generates over 320 views on Medium.


Email me at and let’s talk.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.


Hephzibah Asaolu

I am Hephzy Asaolu (aka Ladywriter), a professional Freelance content writer and blogger.

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